Finding Flaws

I thoroughly dislike whenever I take a beautiful picture on a shoot, I check it in my camera but I cannot see it clearly because of the glaring sun but it looks "okay," then I get home and begin editing and I plainly see that there are a billion fly-away hairs in the picture. 
As I become more experienced I quickly catch on to the idea of checking the small details before I even hold up my camera to snap the shot. 
How often in life do we enter into situations that at first, with the excitement and rush of trying something new, seem amazing and then later realize what a bad idea it was. Even though flyaways can be photoshopped out of a picture, you cannot photoshop life without some having some serious mental issues. 
My mom, one of the smartest people I know, once told me what her step-father used to tell her, that "youth is wasted on the young!"
She then told me how she never knew what he meant till she was (not old but) experienced in life that it was a true statement. 
Being the incredibly stubborn and determined person I am, I went to work to not waste my youth. But not wasting my youth does not mean living life like an (again not old but a) experienced person, and working to achieve whatever a "good" life was meant to look like. Living life to the fullest is to take it one step at a time. Do not look toward the future, be where you are and focus on today. 
Whenever decisions need to be made, especially big ones, prayerfully consider how God sees the situation. Do not be consumed with the future, wasting life is doing just that, youth today are slammed with questions and concerns pressed upon them about the future. Enjoy being young and the benefits of having a fast metabolism. Dance and sing everywhere you go while it is still cute ;). 
Keep in mind that enjoying the present circumstances and living each day to the fullest does not mean putting God's calling on your life on hold. It means to begin each day blessing God for all you have, not wishing for something you don't, and giving the entire day over to Him. 
Do not look back on life looking at all the nit and gritty flaws that may be in the picture that represents your life, because there will be some ups and downs. Look back in reverence of all God has done from that point to the present and how beautiful God sees the pictures, flaws and all.

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